Utrecht University > department of Biology | Graduate School of Life Scienes > Biology and Biocomplexity >

Theoretical Biology & Bioinformatics

Research | Education | Bachelor | Master | PhD program | Advanced courses | Agenda |

General mission

Bioinformatics is an important 'growth area' in modern biology, pervading many areas of biology. Our bachelor and master programs aim to introduce students interested in biology to the basic concepts and techniques of Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics. Some of the students will proceed and attend our PhD program, and others will benefit from these theoretical skills in their future experimental work. One of our main missions is to let modeling and bioinformatics become a normal component of biological research.

Studying informatic processes in biotic systems we use both mathematical models, computer simulation models and bioinformatic techniques. Examples of the latter are phylogeny, genomics, high throughput techniques and immune epitope predictions. Examples of the modeling range from simple differential equations, to cellular automata, and large agent based computer simulation models. One of our aims is to make biology a more quantitative science, and integrate large data bases of knowledge into a understanding of how complex biological systems function and evolve. We find this combination of Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics exciting and very useful in biological research.

Teaching programs

Please read the following web-pages for further information:
Theoretical Biology & Bioinformatics / Last modified on 28 February 2011 / Webmaster: R.J.DeBoer@uu.nl